
All the relevant and important places are marked on the map

Presentation and start number distribution:
Třebenice parking, Sun June 23, 9:00-10:30

mass start at 11:00, under the Slapy dam wall
short race paddlers starts in a line behind long race paddlers
finish line in Malá Chuchle, canoe club USK, left bank, opened till 15:00

Prizegiving ceremony at 15:30

The USK canoe club will be open on Sunday morning, but beware! Parking inside the USK club is not possible anymore! You can park your car outside next to the bicycle trail on the grass. You can get there as follows.
From the city: use Strakonická street from the Barrandov bridge, pass under the Branický railway bridge, pass the Robin Oil gas station and turn right just behind the bus stop. Go shortly straight on and then turn left. Go through Malá Chuchle and then left onto the bridge over Strakonická street. Upon the junction with Strakonická make a right turn down towards the water and USK club.
From outside of the city: use Strakonická and under the road bridge in Malá Chuchle, take the right lane and turn right onto a narrow clutch down just behind the bridge pillar. Then follow the 150 m cycling trail to the USK canoe club.

Competitors will have to sign a statement of capability and ride at their own risk
Lifejacket mandatory throughout the race!